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Jose Pena


“I enjoyed running projects and leading people while in the Air Force, so I knew getting a PMP certificate would be a perfect fit for me. However, the first day of my virtual class I was overwhelmed at all the intricacies of Project Management. To my relief, as the class carried on, I knew I was in good hands. The instructions, quizzes, and reviews were better than all of my online undergraduate and graduate classes. That week of instruction should be a model for all online class to emulate. Of course, life jumped in front of my plans to test by the end of the month, and it took me 5 months to start my application and preparations for the exam. I utilized the study material PM-ProLearn afforded me and with-in a month I was back on track and passed my exam above target on all three domains. I was only able to accomplish this due to PM-ProLearn’s amazing program, instructions, and support.”

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