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Connect With An Advisor To Learn More

In order to best serve you we need a little bit of information from you. Connect with us today to help answer your questions or receive a personal quote on your program of interest.

Program of Interest
man on the phone at his computer desk

Jose Pena


“I enjoyed running projects and leading people while in the Air Force, so I knew getting a PMP certificate would be a perfect fit for me. However, the first day of my virtual class I was overwhelmed at all the intricacies of Project Management. To my relief, as the class carried on, I knew I was in good hands. The instructions, quizzes, and reviews were better than all of my online undergraduate and graduate classes. That week of instruction should be a model for all online class to emulate. Of course, life jumped in front of my plans to test by the end of the month, and it took me 5 months to start my application and preparations for the exam. I utilized the study material PM-ProLearn afforded me and with-in a month I was back on track and passed my exam above target on all three domains. I was only able to accomplish this due to PM-ProLearn’s amazing program, instructions, and support.”

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