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  • Writer's pictureJosh Atkinson

Participation Certs mean Nothing

Updated: Mar 15

Being a professional is a lifestyle that requires determination, effort and focus.

Just like in the military, achievement medals mean little, but professional badges mean a lot. They are hard to get, set aside for extreme discipline and effort, and come with an expectation that you will continue to maintain a level of knowledge, capability and professionalism by being a member of this elite group.

Professional certifications in industries are no different. The ones that have value require effort, determination, and focus. Earning your Project Management Professional (PMP), PMI-Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB), or Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP), is not an event, it’s a journey and it demonstrates these characteristics and attributes. After you earn the certification you have to show effort to maintain it and stay relevant in your profession. They all mean something and are not given out like a participation trophy. YOU EARN THEM!!!!

Be cautions and do NOT waste your time on participation trophy certs with lifetime guarantees. Go after the ones that mean something and you can carry with pride.

Best thing is that for active duty there is funding available to pursue professional certifications. GI BILL, Army Credential Assistance (ARMY CA), Air Force Cool (AFCOOL), Coast Guard Cool (USCG COOL), MyCAA for spouses and even unit funding can all be used. check out

Project Management skills directly compliment and enhance everything our military members have learned and are already doing in uniform. Mission = Project.

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